Horse therapy is a type of physical therapy based on multidimensional movements and its effects on the human body in improving posture, balance and general growth. Horse therapy has been used since 1960 in Europe and in the United States in the 1970s to treat patients with cerebral palsy and other neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, learning disabilities and muscular dysphonia, and sensory problems.
The effect of equine therapy has been shown to improve motor function in patients.
Studies show: 1. Multidimensional and reciprocal movements of a horse while walking cause movements in the human pelvis that are similar to pelvic movements while a human is walking.
2. The feeling of soft and rhythmic movements caused by the horse improves co-contraction, joint stability and transmission, balance and postural response of patients.
3. Horse therapy causes dynamic condition and condition control.
The benefits of equine therapy have led researchers to develop and market a equine therapy simulator to both reduce treatment costs and provide accessibility to all patients.
This device mimics the three-dimensional movements of a horse.